The Psychology of Change in the Print sector

In his latest blog, the Printboosterologist! Marcus Clifford asks, ‘Why don’t people follow the damn process?’

Picture of Marcus Clifford who gives advice on change in the Print sector.
Expert advice from Marcus Clifford on change in the Print sector.

Find more expert advice from Marcus Clifford here.

‘The costs are too high to ignore and ultimately hamper development of a business’.

I see and hear this a great deal across our sector from team leaders and owners. What can be done?

I was recently energised around this topic after seeing an interview of a new Sales Director in a labels business who was dynamically instigating impressive positive growth, they used the words ‘holistic approach’ and indeed this is required to create positive change. One intervention in itself will not succeed fully. Their approach had instigated a trajectory of positive change. How and why. Well, no surprises doing more of the right things rather than wrong things, engaging and following through, setting a vision and purpose, creating a value proposition, approaching sales development with strategic delivery of innovation and solutions. All things I write about, am passionate about and work with businesses on!

I offer solutions to energise positive change with my ‘Pep and Tonic ‘sessions, and whilst I have had firsthand experience of it during testing change management and restructuring assignments and whilst I now understand the psychology, neuroscience and coaching issues behind change  and transition, it can still be difficult to orchestrate as people are complex, individuals and human! But harness and engage and you have the most powerful agents of positive change and development.

Too often this is he case in both large and smaller businesses, ‘We’ve invested heavily in defining and implementing good processes, practices and methods and technology, the problem is we can’t get the people to consistently follow the process’.

Firstly, is the change well thought through? produces the results wanted? and is it executed well? Are all individuals and teams involved in the process? understand the why? meaning and purpose? How are they emotionally engaged, this is the tester one and if so, you will gain traction.

Signals and actions can be conflicting as many times ‘improved processes may improve outcomes but add time, complexity other costs not just financial and result in the important things that build value being curtailed. What is the gain?

Too often I see a conflict between the changes are viewed to have been designed not to help the practitioners to succeed, rather designed to help management to manage and control.

Most people however like to choose how they do their work and will naturally work from their strengths if given the choice. Strengths based coaching is a great thing. I have seen great benefits from identifying and working on peoples strengths rather than a default focus on perceived weaknesses. Discussing the strengths of the team at a team meeting is very empowering and creates great positivity.

New behaviours almost always seem strange at first and behaviour change needs to be supported and encouraged through a consistent feedback process.

Engagement, mindset, creating a value led team, sparking innovation and growth should be outcomes and be part of the infrastructure of change so give me a call, help make change positive and the right conditions and environment. Most people want positive change but resist quietly if certain things are not followed or conditions met.

Its a good time to look at positive change, the Olympics have also provided us with a backdrop to achieving and seeing the best of people.

Call me to discuss ideas and initiatives. Marcus Clifford. 0774 381 8806

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